CME & Confrences

CME & Confrences

Details of CMEs/Workshop organized by the college held in the past one year:

CME & WorkShops –

  • CME – ” Post hysterectomy vault prolapse”  
  • WorkShop –“ Invision Program for Upgradation Ophthalmic Paramedical Staff”
  • CME – ” Preterm Birth” By the Department Of Paediatrics & Gynaecology. 
  • CME –  ” Endometriosis” By Dr. K. K. Kaul (Professor) Head Of dept OBG & Gynae. 
  • CME –  “Foley catheterization versus Oramisoprostol for induction of labor in hypertensive women in India(INFORM): a multicentre, open-label, randomized controlled trial”  
  • CME – “Evidence-based guidelines of PCOS” By Dr Garima OBG & Gynae.-
  • CME – “FOGSI GCPR Screening & Management Of Preinvasive Lessons Of Cervix and HPV Vaccination” 
  • Seminar – Recent ERAS recommendation in the antenatal preoperative and postoperative period, 
  • CME –  “Evidence-based Guidelines for Management Of Abnormally Invasive Placenta”, 
  • CME –  “Hyponatremia and use of Vaptans Management and approach”, 
  • CME –  “Diagnosis and Management Of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus – FOGSL  Guidelines”, 
  • CME –  “Management of hyperuricemia and associated conditions, 
  • CME –  “Anaemia in pregnancy”,

  • CME – Strategy to END TB BY 2025, 
  • Workshop – Infirmary Health Wellness Program, 
  • CME – ACOG Guidelines of Management of Fetal Growth Restriction, 
  • CME- Fetal Reduction in Multifetal pregnancy, 
  • CME – USG and Biomarkers for adverse pregnancy Outcome, 
  • CME – Basic Principles of Gynecologic Endoscopic Surgery, 
  • CME – Intrauterine fetal demise,.
  • CME – Continuing Medical Education Programme, 
  • Workshop  – ECG Basics & Interpretations, 
  • Workshop –  Global Handwashing Day,